Over and above the last will and testament, you can specify how you want your funeral to be arranged. A written directive can specify whether your body should be buried or cremated, where you would like this to happen, who should speak and the music that should be played. It does not need to be written in any special way. You can also include it as part of your advanced directive for care. You can find various blank forms for this purpose on the Internet.
Note: putting your wishes about your funeral in your last will and testament may not ensure your wishes are fulfilled. The will is often only opened after the funeral.
If there is no directive, your closest relatives have the right to arrange the funeral. This may mean it’s not done in the way you would have wanted. Surviving relatives have to follow the wishes of a
burial directive.
Some funeral homes offer you the opportunity to plan and pay for your funeral before you die. A funeral expense insurance policy allows you to be sure that everything is financially covered.