Back to work
Things have changed thanks to HIV treatment. Some people with HIV were once very ill, but are now much better. Some had already retired - but are now asking themselves if it's possible to go back to work.
The answer is: yes. First, however, there are some things to think about. Returning to work can, in some cases, result in reduced pension entitlements due to legislative changes in recent years.
The question may also arise as to whether you want to work full time, or whether perhaps a part-time job would be a good solution.
It is a good idea to take advantage of a legal advice at an AIDS service organizations service for questions about social security law. You can get information about possible problems and your options.
People with a severely disabled ID card ("Schwerbehindertenausweis") can receive support from the Arbeitsamt (Federal Employment Office) or the Integrationsamt (Office for the Integration of the Disabled).