Personal Counseling

Our personal counseling services offer you the chance to speak with a counselor face to face.

The service is free of charge. You can arrange an appointment by telephone with your local Aidshilfe office. A list of our offices in Germany can be found here . Our telephone and online counseling services are also happy to give you this information.

In a personal counseling session you can ask any questions you may have about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. If you are HIV-positive, we are also happy to counsel you about problems in your day-to-day life, as well as about social and legal questions.

Possible topics include, for example:

  • fear of a possible HIV infection
  • difficulties in dealing with HIV, for example with family or at work
  • financial difficulties and social security options.

Our counselors can also give you the addresses of other services and resources in your area, such as self-help groups.